Through our literacy and girls' education programs, Room to Read partners with the national government of Nepal, municipal level governments (palikas), communities and other education organizations to address — and mitigate — the recent learning losses, including poor reading habits and high dropout rates for girls. Key components of Room to Read’s programs include:
Improving how children learn to read and write
We work directly in schools to improve literacy curricula for grades 1 and 2 while also training and providing ongoing coaching to teachers and school librarians on effective library management and reading activities. Through these activities, children are encouraged to collaborate with their peers, explore different themes and topics through the lives of storybook characters, and develop self-guided learning skills. Local palikas increasingly request support from Room to Read to help improve the local school curriculum.

Cultivating a robust book publishing sector
To address the lack of local-language books in Nepal, Room to Read trains local publishers, authors and illustrators on how to develop quality books that are engaging, educational, colorful, appropriate for different levels of readers and include topics across a variety of genres. Through this work, Room to Read is cultivating a flourishing children’s book publishing ecosystem that will ensure that children across Nepal have access to quality reading materials for years to come.
Combatting harmful gender norms
Through local educators and Room to Read social mobilizers, educated women from the same communities as program participants, secondary school girls benefit from individualized mentorship, peer-to-peer mentorship and life skills education

Partnering with the government to benefit all children
As Room to Read implements our programs in new schools, palikas gain opportunities to learn and understand how — and why — the programs work. Room to Read collaborates with the government to meet the huge demand from palikas to adopt Room to Read’s best practices as standards that can be rolled out in schools municipal-wide. By engaging governments to lead this work long-term and equipping government-level teachers to cascade trainings, our programs are systemically improving the quality of education in schools.